In Sevilla, Corpus Christi is a labor intensive event. The hermandades, brotherhoods that once served as local peacekeepers in medival times and now as social services arms of the local parishs, work through the previous day and night to prepare los pasos. Los pasos are elaborately decorated, hand-carried floats that display icons of saints and virgins pertinent to Sevilla, El Niño, the Baby Jesus, and most importantly, the Host.
Early on the day of the procession, the streets of the route are strewn with rosemary. People gather to get favorable positions, with single rows of reserved chairs for the hermandades use lining the tiny streets. Stores along the route create magnificent window displays, enshrining statues of the saints, virgins and El Niño in flowers, lace and gilded ornamentation.
It starts and ends at the Catedral. The pasos, members of the hermandades who carry their emblematic banners and staffs, and the marching band component of the local guard begin the 2+ hour event. In current times, women and children are included in the hermandades. Some staffs are long candles and provide fun and distraction for the children who walk, tipping out the accumulated melted wax or lighting the branches of rosemary readily available at their feet. The scent of hot wax and incensed rosemary drifts with the procession.
The pasos are the primary focus. People rise and stand quietly as they pass. Massive, heavy, unwieldy moveable altars, they are conveyed by as many as 16 people who carry them atop their shoulders. Guides pilot the pasos through the narrow streets, serving as the eyes for the carriers who are hidden from view by heavy drapes of velvet, brocades, and other rich fabrics. We see only their feet, clad in customary white. Coordination of their steps is paramount in keeping the paso moving and, more importantly, upright.
For rest stops, they carefully lower the paso to stand on its own legs, reversing the process when they resume. Handlers signal starts and stops with heavy "doorknockers" mounted on top. Some pasos have a mesh band at eye level that allows carriers to see out and to get air; others move blindly.
The carriers pay for the honor to carry the pasos, usually as penance. The cost is high; forgiveness is rarely cheap.
Ranks of clergy usher the Host paso as it passes slowly and solemnly through the street swollen with onlookers. Military emphatically brings up the rear. Not an unlikely pair of bookends, history often shows. The procession comes full circle back to the Catedral. The crowd melts away into the cafés and bars as the street crew sweeps up the rosemary and sprinkles sand over the dripped wax.
At home, Pépe has already been at siesta for a while. Cristina wakes him, and he joins us for lunch. He wears crisply ironed pajamas. Cristina pesters Pépe, as a little sister does, when W hops up to help clear the table. She is impressed that W actually helps with chores. Pépe gamely hops up with a plate in his hand. Cristina laughs.
The next morning we leave at our usual hour, Cristina and Pépe still asleep in the morning cool. At lunch, he is gone, home until the next fiesta.
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